Our aim


SIT's goal is to use European knowledge and technology along with Swiss and New Zealand management skills to plan, organize and implement solar installations in Tonga.


The aim being to provide self-sufficient energy systems which generate environmental and economic benefits for local families, institutions and companies. 


Environmental benefits include: 

1. Energy Independence

2. the reduction of harmful Carbon Dioxide on the Environment

3. assisting the Tonga government achieve its Renewable Energy Goals 


Economic benefits from the installations and revenues generated will allow:

1. for the local Tongan to be independent

2. for the Tongan Economy to have Energy and Funds available for Economic growth

3. for the company to Generate Sufficient Revenues to further invest in Solar Energy

4. SIT to share its know-how to up-skill the local Tongan workforce


The project is open to investments/donations with a mere philanthropic motivation and also for investments in sustainable energy projects in developing countries, which can generate a certain return. 


SIT shall ensure that the money donated for philanthropic projects is properly used. For projects with an economic driver, SIT shall ensure that the money invested shall be used for installations which can generate a pay back.